
Kings Drinking Game :)

I've played this drinking game in different places in the world, and it's really a lot of fun. And u always manage to get smashed.
The first time I played it was with Elisa and her friends. After that i've played it in the States, in Alicante and in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Lizzy and I had a really fun night that time!! haha!!

Here are the instructions how to play KINGS (there are different ways, but this is how we did it)

Players must drink and dispense drinks based on cards drawn. Each card has a rule that is pre determined before the game starts.

Ace "Waterfall" To "water fall" each player starts drinking their beverage, depending on the direction of the game (whether you are picking cards clockwise or counter clockwise). No player can stop drinking until the player before them stops drinking.

2 "For You" The player who drew the card assigns someone to take a shot.

3 "For Me" The player who drew the card takes a shot.

4 "To The Floor" The last player in touching the floor must drink.
or "Thumb Master" The player that picks the card becomes "Thumb Master". At any time during the game, they discretely put their thumb on the table. Then everyone else puts their thumbs on the table. The last person to put their thumb on the table drinks.

5 "Guys" All participating men drink.

6 "Chicks" All participating women drink.

7 "Heaven" All players must point to the ceiling (Heaven). The last player to point takes a drink.

8 "Mate" The player who drew the 8 selects another player to be his/her "drinking mate". Any time the player drinks, the mate must drink as well.
or "Captain Dickhead" The drawer of an 8 becomes the Captain (Dickhead) and can do anything they want, imposing an unlimited number of rules until the next 8 is drawn, where all the previous Captain's rules are revoked, unless the new Captain wishes to keep them.

9 "Rhyme" The player who drew the 9 says a word, then the players go around in the circle saying words that rhyme with the original. No word may be said twice, the first player who can not come up with a word, or says a word that doesn't rhyme must drink.

10 "Never Have I Ever" The player who drew the 10 must play a variation of the game Never Have I Ever in which only three fingers are held up.

Jack "Rules" The player can make up a new rule to be played throughout the remainder of the game, such as: No Cursing, Green Man (you have to pretend to take a tiny man off your cup before you drink then put him back on when you're done), you are not allowed to say "No"... If you don't follow the rule you must take another drink.

Queen "Question Master" The player who drew the Queen keeps it until some one answers any question asked. The player who answers must drink or, depending on the house rules, all players must go around the circle asking questions (some variations require that the question be contextually sensible) or the player with whom the asker made eye contact with must ask a question to another player (in some circles asking to the same person loses the game). No question may be said twice (or repackaged in some versions), the first player who can not come up with a question, or says something that is not a question must drink.

King "Kings cup" An empty cup is placed in the middle of the table. Whenever a king is drawn, that person pours some of his or her drink to the community cup. When the fourth king is drawn, that person must chug the contents of the community cup.

This rules can change and you can make up new rules. Our target is to GET DRUNK!! :)

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