After a long trip I'm finally at La Palma. Had amazing lunch, then siesta time, then strawberry cake then reading Grimm stories for the girls :) Loved those books when i was a kid!

Siri & Black Beauty
My 8 years old little sister and her friend were having the cutes conversation today :)
- "Because they need meat"
- "But they can buy meat in the shop!...well actually that's the same as hunting it....ok..but...why do meat exist??"
- "Because we want to eat it"
- "Yes...but why do we want to eat it?"
- "Because it's meat!"
- "Ok yes...but we shouldn't kill rabits and cats and dogs, animals that i like, we should kill cockrouches and mosquitos!!"
- "Then we would have to eat the whole day to be full!!"
Hahaha love this kids!! And love being home! :)
Girls having fun w/ my laptop :P
think i can hear the waka waka??
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