Happy primas!!
Friday night we were at two hippy partys...so nice! enjoying nice music, nice food & nice people! And meeting a lot of people I haven't seen for ages, and didn't recognise me...:P It was really nice. At the last party it was only me, Tove & Coleen, the rest of the family was tired and went home, Nicole as well after days and days travelling...:P
Hippy party, music and fullmoon
On saturday we went to the beach, so I'm starting to get tanned...:) I really need it!! I look so white if you compare me to Tove & Nicole & mum....well, I'm whiter than anyone over here!
After the beach we went home, to eat a really nice Easter lunch!! but it was a quite late lunch...we ate at 19-ooh! haha!! but it was worth it!
Nice easterlunch!
After lunch/dinner we looked for easter eggs that the easter bunny had hidden! it was fun!! :D
We found our easter eggs!
Then mum went to a birthday party & we stayed here playing a drinking game that we had invented, waiting for the taxi that came at 11.30 pm, after getting lost in the mountains :)
The Spice Girls ready to party!
Waiting for the taxi :D
When we came to Los Llanos we went to the Borrachito, were I saw Naïma! Than we went to Avalon, Millenium and finally to El Plata, were we stayed all night dancing so much! we were a lot of people! Nicole, Tove, Coleen, mum, her friend Annamaria, Johan, Pedro, John & me...we had so much fun!! but my feet were hurting after my high heels, so I finished dancing barefeet =)
Then we took a Taxi home.
Nicolw, Coleen, Me, Tove & mum
On Sunday we went to the Rastro, we were supposed to go to the beach, but Nicole started getting sick, so we went home instead...at night I started getting sick to, not that fun!! But today I feel a lot better.
But it has been a really nice weekend!!
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